Earn Money

Stop doing these things immediately...
- blogging every day
- emailing every day
- writing your new "best selling book"
- going to networking events
- begging for referrals
- the list goes on and on and on...
Majority of people who work with clients have no dependable systems for getting more clients (except for just "work harder" and "work longer").
That is not a dependable strategy.
We've found there are really only a few key activities that actually *move the needle* without requiring more work and harder work from you.
Look, I'm not going to hard sell you on this.
The business systems we use and teach our clients generate hundreds of clients each month, cumulatively in about 30 different industries.
For the first time, we're taking some of those strategies, and we're packaging them up into something we call, The Monthly Memos (*subscription retired). We aren't going to charge you $10,000 for them, (though the information contained in these may be worth many times that).
We're not going to charge you $100 for them either cause the point of this isn't to make money (we do just fine with our main offers, trust me).
The point of this project is YOU.
- You're under-recognized for your expertise.
- You're under-paid for the solutions you provide.
- You're over-booked with activities that don't matter.
If you work with clients, these "memos" are the best life rope you will ever find and it will cost you nothing if you don't like them.
Try them out for just a $7 monthly subscription and cancel anytime.
Go here for more info:


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